About Us
Passionate About Music for Helping Others
We are a team of psychologists, music therapists and data scientists who are passionate about using music as a tool for helping people. We are committed to provide real-time, personalised and immediate mental health support to everyone and anywhere.
We are reinventing mental health care by coupling music, artificial intelligence and virtual delivery to provide immediate, personalised support for anyone.

Board of directors

Núria Escudé is a Psychologist, Music Therapist, Lecturer and Director of the Music Therapy Program at the University of Barcelona since 2002. She is also director and Music Therapist at the Catalan Institute of Music Therapy, where she has worked with children with special needs for the last 15 years in collaboration with the Barenboim Said Fundation. Member of the Board of the Directors of the International Association for Music & Medicine, Nuria is working and researching music therapy in NICU (University Hospital Terrassa) an RBL (Rhythm, Breath, & Lullaby), works in the Oncology and Paliative Care Units in UPS Hospital Esperanza, and also in the Hospital San Juan de Dios, with patients affected with Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Rafael Ramirez is a Professor and Leader of the Music and Machine Learning Lab at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. He is Lecturer and Research Coordinator in the Master in Music Therapy, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona. He obtained his BSc in Mathematics form the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and his MSc and PhD in Artificial Intelligence and PhD in Computer Science from the University of Bristol, UK. He studied Classical Violin and Guitar he has played with different music groups in Europe, America and Asia. His research interests include music technology, music therapy, artificial intelligence, and their application to health and well-being. He has published more than 120 research articles in peer-reviewed international Journals and Conferences.